I took on two projects. (See my "before" post here)
My $7 garage sale find toy bench and painting the kitchen (it has only taken a year since we had a water leak in the ceiling!).
First the bench.
This project was much harder than I thought it would be! Stripping off the yucky paint, then sanding, then using the orbital sander, then sanding some more. Did I mentioned that it has rained in Atlanta for like 2 months straight? (Don't worry, the bench only got rained on 3 times!) But I am pleased to report that I got *most* of the yucky paint off and managed to start painting. I started off with one can of spray paint. Really? I am not sure what I was thinking!! This is the biggest spray painting project I have ever taken on. My trigger finger is starting to hurt!! I managed to get enough paint on to show the color it will be soon. But yea, I have about 400 more coats to do. Luckily it has finally stopped raining, so I am hoping to be done with it this week. Also, I learned that when spray painting red it is best to wear gloves. Otherwise you come out looking like you just killed somebody. :)
And currently.
The kitchen-
Well, I can't blame it on the rain. I didn't finish this one either. Priming took longer than I thought. But it is all primed and there is paint on the walls!! And I LOVE the color. I want to paint all the ugly flat builder's cream in my other rooms with this new great color!!
During (the part that is painted). You can see the new color (brown), then the primer (white), ugly flat builder crap (cream). What a difference!!
Though I didn't declare this one, we did finally get shelves up in the attic!! Yea!! Now all my classroom things have a home that we don't have to trip over every time we go in the office!
Looks great! I like the red for the bench, and your kitchen's going to look great!
Bench redo turned out so nicely and I love your paint choice for your kitchen! I never find anything for 25 cents at GW!
Yay for progress! I love that little bench; it's already super cute and you're not even done! :-)
Great job making progress..cute bench too, I think it is coming along so nicely!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Great projects! I love the bench and the new paint color-stick to it, you're almost there!
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