Monday, July 25, 2011

Last week in preschool #2

Monday: Made banana bread (with chocolate chips!!) and learned new words: recipe and ingredients.  We also talked about reading a recipe and the different sizes of measuring spoons and cups.
 Tuesday: Intended activity - sorting her massive collection of balls by size and comparing how many fit in various sized containers.  Lesson I learned: use only one container.  Also, don't do preschool during what used to be nap time.  Actual activity: Word World on PBS

Wednesday: Skipped preschool because we were swimming in the morning and grocery shopping in the afternoon (having something to eat for dinner trumped school!!)

Thursday: found these darling letter matching cards at Target's dollar spot (LOVING back to school stuff!!) and we practiced matching Mommy letters to baby letters.  She loved this activity so much.....

 ....we did it again Friday!!

On Saturday we were doing stuff around the house and busy all day.  At the end of the day, she said, "Mommy, we forgot to do school!!!" She was totally disappointed! I'm so glad she's enjoying it- because I am too!

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