Thursday, November 17, 2011

This week in preschool #11, F is for Fall

Here I am, trying to catch up on preschool posts.  Let's see if I can remember it all! 

We celebrated fall in the month of October! We started with a game I call "1,2,3 SQUASH!"  I lay out flash card with the numbers 1-10 on them and the kids take turns placing the squash on one of the numbers.  Then we point to each number as we count.  When we get to the squash, we shout, SQUASH and fall down.  It's great for movement and number recognition! 
 We looked at some things that start with F
 We traced our Feet!
 Practiced counting with this cute book!
Practiced our gross motor skills and coordination by throwing the Football in the basket.
talked about the number 4 (since it starts with F) and glued 4 things in 4 circles!
 We talked about how out our Fingers can Feel.  Then we stuck our hand in a bag (no looking!) and practiced our adjectives by describing what we felt - things in the bag - plastic corn, knit ball, toy fire truck, sand paper, large block).
 Read this darling book which is one of my favorites!
 Talked about fall leaves and read this book.

 Glued Feathers on the letter F.

 Read this cute story (talked about fall vegetables) and practiced making stone soup.
 stir it up!!
 Measured a pumpkin.  I had several strands of yarn and we had to try them out to see which was the right size.  Some were too big, some were too small!