I decided that my mantel decor needed a little shaking up. I don't know what prompted it, but once I thought of it, I couldn't rest until it was done. So after many google images searches, blog browsing and a few Goodwill trips, I am happy!
The before (sorry, I wasn't so good at taking pictures then).
I like the flowers in the center (from our wedding!), but the other decorations weren't colorful. With white walls and white woodwork, I needed something that would stand out.
I went shopping in my house and moved some candlesticks from the piano, but it needed more.
I got a few vases at Goodwill and transformed them with jute (idea from Thrify Decor Chick) Cost : $3 for vases, $1 for jute, $1 for craft glue.
Then I read this post about transforming books and I had to do it! I don't have distress ink, so mine aren't as cute. I'll probably do that one day, but I was all about keeping costs low. I didn't have any books to use, so back to goodwill - $5 for 2 books, $2 for scrapbook paper. I hated paying for books, but it allowed me to shop around for the sizes that I wanted.
A little more shopping in my house and I found an awesome metal piggy that my sister gave me a few years ago as part of an inside joke. It was perfect!
The results:
I'm still trying to decide how to arrange the books.
And of course, I'm practicing my photography skills.
The addition of the curtains my mom so graciously sewed for me helps a lot too.
Total cost of make over: $12 ($32 if you count the fabric for the curtains).
I'm linking up!